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Productivity Theory

Gilb´s Law

Anything you need to quantify can be measured in some way that is superior to not measuring it at all. Programmers are fond of saying, “You can’t really measure that,” and Gilb’s law says that’s just a cop-out—it might be hard to measure, and the measurements might not be 100% accurate, but anything is better than nothing! This means that if you cannot measure something, it is not that you cannot measure it, but that you cannot measure it well. Knowing something is better than nothing.

  • Some discussion around Gilb´s law It does hide a lot of complexity in its simplicity.
    • Cost of measurement.
    • Secondary effects of measuring.
    • People deal badly with uncertainty.
  • Glib´s law is also mentioned in [[../Books/Book Reviews/Peopleware]]

The missing middle.

The "Missing Middle" theorem refers to businesses focusing on high-end, premium products or services or on low-end, budget-friendly offerings while neglecting the middle market. This can lead to a gap in the market for mid-range products or services.

  1. Profit Margins: High-end products often come with higher profit margins, making them attractive to businesses. On the other end, low-end products have smaller margins and can make up for it in volume.
  2. Market Perception: Businesses may choose to focus on either end of the spectrum to create a specific brand image. For example, a company may only offer premium products to position itself as a luxury brand.
  3. Competition: The middle market can be highly competitive, with many businesses offering similar products or services. This can make it harder for a company to differentiate itself. In the context of the entertainment industry, this leads to content creators focusing on either long or short formats and either high- or low-quality versions.



  • Atomic Habits is one of the most popular books read. I have read it but cannot remember the 3 most important lessons at the moment of writing. Is it the same for everyone else?